
Welcome to my new blog. My name is Rob and I’m a teacher from the UK. InĀ August I will be leaving London for a new adventure in San Francisco, teaching physics at an international school.

This blog is my way of recording my thoughts, observations and experiences about life in San Francisco, California and the wider United States. If you happen to find anything here interesting… great.

What am I likely to write about? Well, I’ve imported some previous travel writings to give you a flavour; in particular, the blog I wrote during my 6 week adventure down the Eastern seaboard (from Niagara Falls to Key West) back in 2007.

I may occasionally reflect on the contrasts between teaching in a state comprehensive in London and a private international school in San Francisco, though this isn’t an education blog (I do have such a blog – of sorts – on my professional website, CowenPhysics.com).

Living near Silicon Valley and running a couple of edutech websites (the aforementioned Cowen Physics and the rapidly growing Mega Seating Plan) means I may occasionally write about technology and my efforts to build impactful, popular tools that just might actually turn a profit.

For the last year or so I’ve been a very occasional and (very) amateur stand up comedian in London. I’m not promising any jokes, but I may blog about my experiences starting out on a new comedy circuit.

Mostly, I suspect, I’ll just be musing about the differences between life in the 31st and 51st states. Comparing Walmart to Waitrose, Wendy’s to Wimpy, or Donald Trump to Boris Johnson.